Monday, August 24, 2020

Cerebral Cortex and Phineas Gage

Cerebral Cortex and Phineas Gage Debbie Mintz PSY 360 July 25, 2011 Phineas Gage Paper Phineas Gage was a man who was a pioneer at his specific employment and was an entirely amiable individual. His loved ones concur that he would supportive to anybody, he was cheerful, and nice individual. At that point he got mind harm to his cerebral cortex, which is one’s subjective capacities are inside their flaps situated in the cerebrum. People have four sorts of projections situated inside the cerebral cortex that do various capacities. Human Brain The human cerebrum is secured with tissue known as the cerebral cortex, which huge wrinkles (gaps) and little wrinkles (sulci), and there are edges between the crevices and sulci known as gyri. Under the cerebral cortex tissue are four projections, every flap has a job in a people psychological capacities. Phineas Gage was a man who got cerebrum harm, and one will have the option to perceive how it influenced his psychological capacities. Four Lobes for Cognitive Functions Fundamentally the cerebral cortex is partitioned into four projections; in light of the fact that during improvement of our cerebrum the weight separates the region into four zones and the advancement of these flaps do various capacities inside our mind. The four flaps are known as frontal projection, worldly projection, parietal flap and the occipital projection (Pinel, 2009). One’s occipital flap is the thing that gives the person in question visual info and helps direct their conduct, the occipital cortex with â€Å"large regions of a nearby cortex play out this psychological function† (Pinel, 2009, p. 69). In, the parietal flap it has two enormous useful regions, the post focal gyrus work, which it breaks down sensations one can feel from their body, for example, contact. In the back segment of the parietal flaps has the job of â€Å"perceiving the area of the two articles and our own bodies and in coordinating our attention† (Pinel, 2009, p. 69). The cortex of one’s fleeting projections, which has three utilitarian regions. For one’s language and hearing there is the prevalent fleeting gyrus, the second rate transient cortex recognizes ones complex visual examples, next is the average ortian of the worldly cortex its intellectual capacity is for memory. The remainder of the four flaps is the frontal projection, and it has two unmistakable working territories. The main territory is the pre-focal gyrus alongside the nearby frontal cortex have an engine work, and the â€Å"frontal cortex foremost to engine cortex performs complex intellectual functions† (Pinel , 2009, p. 69, for example, evaluating the results of potential examples of conduct, planning to answer with groupings, and surveying the signifince of the conduct of others (Pinel, 2009). Synopsis of what every flap does †¢Occipital projection for vision preparing †¢Parietal projection for development, observation to upgrades, acknowledgment, direction. †¢Temporal projection for observation and acknowledgment of sound-related improvements, discourse, and memory. †¢Frontal is for thinking, grammatical features, development, arranging, critical thinking, and feelings (Brain Structures and their Functions, 2005) Phineas Gage (1823-1860) Phineas Gage is a genuine guide to utilize while disclosing what befalls an individual who gets mind harm and how the harm can influence ones psychological capacities. At the age of 25 a youthful man’s life changed totally, Phineas Gage was a diligent employee just as the a manager for the group he worked with, their activity was to shoot colossal rocks to prepare the land for the railroad track in 1848. His activity comprise of utilizing an altering iron on the stones that had firearm force or explosive in them to detonate, mishaps do occur, and Phineas Gage got an altering iron detonated into his face. It was momentous that he was alive just as having the option to walk three miles to discover clinical assistance. The specialist tidied him up with wonder that he survived this harm to his mind. From the specialists report the altering iron made section in the skull and went through the foremost left projection, and made its exit in the average line, along his sinus cracking his frontal and parietal bones broadly, considerable pieces of the cerebrum separated and his left eye globe was distending out the attachment, inside a portion of a width (Mo, 2006). After this horrendous mishap as indicated by (Mo, 2006), Phineas Gage held full ownership of his explanation, yet Gages spouse, family, and companions started to see sensational changes happening to him and his character. Indeed, even the organization he worked for attempted to rehire him, however they couldn't on the grounds that his conduct transformed, he was bombastic, capricious, ill bred, and grossest obscenities. These was not Phineas Gage’s conduct before the altering iron experienced his mind and revise his psychological capacity from his foremost left projection (Mo, 2006). Which is situated in the frontal projection, and it is for thinking, grammatical forms, development, arranging, critical thinking, and feelings (Brain Structures and their Functions, 2005). This was not the Phenias Gage they knew; in truth anybody that realized Gage before states there is an extreme adjust to his perspective. Because of Phineas harm from his frontal cortex there was a finished loss of social restraints, and unseemly conduct (Mo, 2006). Right up 'til today â€Å"the job of the frontal cortex is engaged with character changes and social cognition† (Mo, 2006, p. ) Phenias Gage carried on with an alternate life as a steady individual, at a spot where he was not known, apparently some place in Chile and live 13 additional years. This shows when one’s mind has harm that they can live through it, yet as an alternate individual. Ones intellectual capacities can get adjusted by cerebrum harm inside their projections in their mind. Phineas Gage he appeared to aba ndon an amiable individual to a terrible natured individual, does that mean an awful natured individual can get modified to a well-intentioned individual?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Zechariah Essays - Biblical People In Islam, Sheep,

Zechariah Zechariah is one of the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. His book is situated between the books of Haggai and Malachi. Zechariah is thought to have lectured from around 520-518 B.C. The book of Zechariah manages the reclamation of Jerusalem, the Temple, and God?s individuals. Section 11 stanzas 4-17, which is an account of two shepherds, is one of the most troublesome entries in the Old Testament to comprehend. From the New Living Translation, the section peruses as follows: 4 This is the thing that the LORD my God says: Go and care for a group that is expected for butcher. 5 The purchasers will butcher their sheep without regret. The venders will say, 'Applause the LORD, I am presently rich!' Even the shepherds have no sympathy for them. 6 And similarly, I will no longer have feel sorry for on the occupants of the land, says the LORD. I will let them fall into one another's grasp, just as into the grip of their lord. They will transform the land into a wild, and I won't ensure them. 7 So I thought about the herd planned for butcher ? the herd that was abused. At that point I took two shepherd's staffs and named one Favor and the other Union. 8 I disposed of their three underhandedness shepherds in a solitary month. Yet, I got eager with these sheep ? this country ? also, they abhorred me, as well. 9 So I let them know, I won't be your shepherd any more. On the off chance that you pass on, you bite the dust. In the event that you are slaughtered, you are executed. Also, the individuals who remain will eat up one another! 10 Then I took my staff called Favor and snapped it in two, indicating that I had disavowed the agreement I had made with all the countries. 11 That was the finish of my pledge with them. The individuals who purchased and sold sheep were watching me, and they realized that the LORD was addressing them through my activities. 12 And I said to them, If you like, give me my wages, whatever I am worth; however just on the off chance that you need to. So they tallied out for my wages thirty bits of silver. 13 And the LORD said to me, Throw it to the potters ? this eminent total at which they esteemed me! So I took the thirty coins and tossed them to the potters in the Temple of the LORD. 14 Then I broke my other staff, Union, to show that the obligation of solidarity among Judah and Israel was broken. 15 Then the LORD said to me, Go again and fill the role of a useless shepherd. 16 This will outline how I will give this country a shepherd who won't like the sheep that are undermined by death, nor care for the youthful, nor mend the harmed, nor feed the solid. Rather, this shepherd will eat the meat of the fattest sheep and remove their hooves. 17 Doom is sure for this useless shepherd who deserts the group! The blade will cut his arm and puncture his correct eye! His arm will get pointless, and his correct eye totally visually impaired! The editorial Obadiah through Malachi starts by remarking on the vague idea of the entry. This ambiguous language makes it hard to decipher; therefore the subtleties stay slippery. The creator feels that this entry goes as per the previous circumstance portrayed in Zechariah 10:3. In the two sections it is clarified that the pioneers (shepherds) of Israel have driven the Lord crazy. Zechariah is portraying the social issue and the people groups' deceptive nature toward one another that has overpowered the network before it will be reestablished by God. This analysis is sure that the bound run is in reality Israel, yet is uncertain whom the sheep vendors speak to. Their conjecture is that they might be the laborers in the sanctuary who have recruited Zechariah. The shepherd is comprehended as representing a decision, in all probability a prophetic one. Zechariah is telling his crowd that Israel is in absolute disorder and the pioneers aren't successfully help, in reality some are exacerbating things. God is allowing the defilement by neglecting to move. While

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) Uses and Side Effects

Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) Uses and Side Effects Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) Uses and Side Effects By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 22, 2020 Hailshadow / Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis In This Article Table of Contents Expand Uses Considerations Treatment Guidelines Potential Conflicts Warnings Common Side Effects Serious Side Effects Vyvanse During Pregnancy View All Back To Top Its very common for children with bipolar disorder to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well. Adults with bipolar disorder also may be diagnosed with ADHD. Vyvanse?? (lisdexamfetamine) is one of the medications that may be prescribed to treat ADHD, and it is approved for use in children, adolescents, and adults. Uses Not only is Vyvanse used for the treatment of ADHD, in 2015 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also approved it for binge eating disorder as well. Its website and product information clearly state that Vyvanse is a prescription medication that treats Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in patients 6 years and above, and moderate to severe Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.) in adults. Why Treating ADHD With Bipolar Disorder Can Be Tough Treating ADHD in someone who has bipolar disorder can be tricky. The Vyvanse label states, Stimulants are not intended for use in patients who exhibit symptoms secondary to environmental factors and/or other primary psychiatric disorders, including psychosis. A doctor who is considering prescribing this drug needs to carefully evaluate the symptoms of the individual patient. Hidden bipolar or psychotic disorders can be triggered by stimulants, and known psychiatric conditions made worse, so the doctor must also monitor the patient closely for such symptom changes. Treatment Guidelines This once-a-day medication should be taken in the morning,  since taking it later in the day can lead to insomnia. It can be taken with or without food. A capsule can be opened and the powder inside dissolved in a glass of water or orange juice, or a serving of yogurt. The manufacturer warns that in this case, the water with Vyvanse in it must be drunk immediately.?? The recommended starting dose is 30 mg. This can be adjusted up to a maximum dose of 70 mg per day.?? Its also recommended that long-term use of Vyvanse be interrupted at times to see whether ADHD symptoms return to a point where medical treatment is still necessary. Such interruption may also be a good idea if there are signs of a child or adolescents growth being suppressed. Potential Conflicts With Medications This drug should not be taken at the same time as any monoamine oxidase inhibitors  (MAOIs). In addition, you should wait 14 days between discontinuing an MAOI and starting to take Vyvanse, so that the MAOI has completely worked out of your system. Taking the two drugs together increases the risk of a dangerous hypertensive crisis. Other problematic medications commonly used to treat bipolar disorder may include: Tricyclic antidepressants, especially Norpramin (desipramine) and Vivactil (protriptyline), which may cause a significant increase in the amount of Vyvanse in the bodyHaldol (haloperidol), which may make Vyvanse less effectiveLithium, which may also make Vyvanse less effective Warnings Vyvanse is a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning it has a strong potential for abuse and addiction, but also has legitimate medical uses. Misuse can lead to serious heart problems and sudden death. Psychosis is a common sign of continual intoxication.Patients should be screened for existing heart ailments before starting Vyvanse. There is a risk of a number of cardiovascular problems with this medication. Stroke, heart attack, sudden death, and high blood pressure have been reported.At proper doses in clinical trials, the emergence of psychotic symptoms or mania was rare, only 1/10th of 1 percent. However, the danger increases when the drug is abused. Regarding bipolar disorder, the medication label states: Particular care should be taken in using stimulants to treat ADHD in patients with comorbid bipolar disorder because of concern for possible induction of a mixed/manic episode in such patients. Prior to initiating treatment with a stimulant, patients with comorbid depressive symptoms should be adequately screened to determine if they are at risk for bipolar disorder. Such screening should include a detailed psychiatric history, including a family history of suicide, bipolar disorder, and depression. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. Common Side Effects Common and less serious side effects include: Stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea (mostly in adults), dry mouthDecreased appetite (very common), weight lossInsomnia (very common), irritability (mostly in children under 13), anxiety (mostly in adults) Serious Side Effects Other possible serious side effects include: AggressionTicsVisual disturbancesSeizuresLong-term suppression of growth Vyvanse During Pregnancy Vyvanse is in Pregnancy Category C, meaning it should only be used during pregnancy if the potential benefits outweigh the risk to the fetus. This medication is excreted in breast milk and should not be taken while nursing, as it may cause harm to the infant.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Westward Expansion and Indian Removal - 1480 Words

America is often considered one of the most wealthy and powerful countries in the world. The United States is associated with global reverence and respect; however, could a nation so great preserve indigenous societies continuously impeding the country’s potential growth without giving up on aspirations of success and expansion? Would our country exist as the power symbol it is today without certain actions that removed the barriers preventing American expansion and growth? Although the aboriginal people of America had claimed their land before the settlement of white colonists, the Native Americans proved an impediment towards the ultimate growth in America’s economic and commercial power. However harsh the treatment of Native Americans†¦show more content†¦Though the war concluded in a stalemate between opposing sides of Britain and America with the ratification of the Treaty of Ghent, the Native Americans were the true ‘losers’ of the war, as th e end marked the loss of indigenous independence (Phillips 114). After the war, Native American morale had diminished as they no longer posed as prominent a threat towards the goal of American Manifest Destiny. However, not all Native Americans had retreated further into the West-- large tribes still dotted United States territory and continued to threaten American growth and economic prosperity promised with Western expansion (Welch 32). The Indian Removal Act, passed in Congress on May 26, 1830, supported the eager desires of Americans in allowing the access of western lands no longer in the possession of Native Americans (Kessel 371). In Andrew Jackson’s second annual message to Congress, delivered on December 6, 1830, Jackson stated that: The consequences of a speedy removal will be important to the United States, to individual States, and to the Indians themselves†¦ By opening the whole territory between Tennessee on the north and Louisiana on the south to the settlement of the whites it will incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier and render the adjacent States strong enough to repel future invasions without remote aid. It will relieve the whole State ofShow MoreRelatedManifest Destiny Essay1433 Words   |  6 PagesManifest Destiny Westward expansion was a key component that shaped the United States not only geographically, but economically as well. The first sign of any expansion West from the original states was when Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. The country was in need of new land in order to accommodate for the expanding population. 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Calhoun and the message promoting the Indian Removal Act by President Jackson, which uses various appeals and logical fallacies to persuade the audience on the ideal benefits and optimistic virtues without the consideration of the Native American demographic. While expandingRead MoreRelationship Between The Us And Indian Communities Of North America1590 Words   |  7 PagesThe US in the 1830s debated the relationship between the US and Indian communities of North America. The principles calling for equal rights and political democracy of the people in America were in contradiction with the principles the US was initially against. American colonists began to vie w the vast expanse of lands controlled by Indians as desirable and could now use Indians in a new way: to acquire land for development . As the rapidly growing United States began to move towards the South inRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay735 Words   |  3 Pagesevangelization, white supremacy, and westward expansion. To a majority of the Americans, manifest destiny was a proud accomplishment they would be faced with. Manifest destiny had a negative impact on the Native Americans, however, it was prosperous for the Whites living in America at the time, and eventually African Americans. Manifest Destiny led to the development of modern day United States with Native American displacement, Mexican-American War, and westward expansion. Leading up to manifest destinyRead MoreEssay On Manifest Destiny1551 Words   |  7 PagesManifest Destiny was a widely spread belief that settlers in the United States should expand across North America. It was the belief that fueled the westward expansion. The westward expansion led to many other events in and around the United States. Before Manifest Destiny and the westward expansion the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War took place which allowed America to declare independence. Manifest Destiny was a big influence on the evolution of transport and technology. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

The Arctic Ice Sheet Polar Bear Roams The Wilderness

In the Arctic Ice Sheets polar bear roams the wilderness. There may be other bears in the arctic, but the polar bear is the largest land carnivore in the wilderness. The polar bear may look like any other bear, but they are different. Now since the ice caps are melting the polar bear are in great threat of going extinct. The taxonomic group that the polar bear falls under is the Ursidae Group( Tanya Dewey and Phil Myers). Bears inhabit the world all except Australia and Antarctica. Although, they are all in the same group they have different characteristics and different habitats. The Ursidae Group can affect their habitats in good ways and bad ways. The polar bear can hinder the population of breeding seals and elk which is a bad thing, but the brown bear can spread seeds around in their feces(Tanya Dewey and Phil Myers). But, without them other species would overpopulate the world. Each bear in the Ursidae Group is unique, but they all share a lot in common. Bears are strong anim als that vary in sizes, but they all have the same strength. They can range from twenty-five to sixty-five kilograms or up to eight hundred kilograms(Tanya Dewey and Phil Myers). In the wild it is most common for the males to be larger than their female counterparts, sometimes you could run across a male that is twice the size of the female. When looking at each bear some characteristics show on each one. Some include small, rounded ears, small eyes, and short tails (Tanya Dewey and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay Beach Free Essays

Miranda Poole 2/3/13 English 101 Descriptive Essay The Beach: A Relaxing Wonderland It is spring break, in the middle of March, my junior year. As I cross the state line into Florida, I picture the ocean as being a place of peace and serenity. It’s my first time visiting the ocean, and all I can think about is hoping it is as beautiful as the pictures I have seen of it. We will write a custom essay sample on Descriptive Essay Beach or any similar topic only for you Order Now As I arrive to the beach with all my friends, the eagerness of seeing this peaceful place is rising. I can’t wait to smell the fresh salty air, feel the soft sand between my toes, walk along the breezy shoreline. As we approach the beach, the first thing I notice is the sky. As I look into the cloudless, cerulean blue sky and see the flawlessness of life; in the distance, rolling clear-blue waves crash into each other with such force as that of football players. The sky is breathtaking along with the sounds of the waves and the tide washing onto the shore. The water reminds me of crystals shimmering in the water with the sun reflecting off of it. As the sun sets, the sky turns into a pink hue with a bright orange sun going down into the horizon. We stroll on the beach, and my feet sink into the soft sand. I stroll along, and the grainy, slick, brown sugar sand pulls my bare feet under and leaves a perfect imprint. I pick up a handful and sift it from my palm slowly, feeling the grittiness of sand with each finger. The view down the beach of the white, but slightly brown sand was enough to make my knees go weak. The sand is such a sensational feeling between my toes and a beautiful view against the crystal blue water. The beach is a beautiful scene of peace and tranquility. Every moment is a different scene. As I sit in my chair I can see all the sights of summer; children building sand castles along the ocean’s edge, to my right I observe an elderly couple enjoying a good book. The waves crash into one another, the breeze blowing from the tide, the smell of salty ocean, and the sticky air clinging onto my skin. Charging into the ocean with vigorous splendor and utter excitement, I insert my bare feet into the sea and am taken aback by the shocking coolness of the water. Bringing myself to a halt at mid-calf, I then trudge through the soft currents that splash upon my legs. An abundance of symbiotic, vibrantly olored, and variously sized fish swarm around my feet. Their bodies brush my leg with negligence as they strive to get from one place to another. I wish to stay here forever and realize, at this point, this is where I need to come for serenity and harmony, where all things seem perfect and care free. There is nowhere in the world quite like this, so peaceful and calm. The be ach is a wonderland for all ages. Whether you want to have fun in the sun, or relax while reading a good book, the beach is the place to go. The beach is an unforgettable experience that one must witness in their lifetime. How to cite Descriptive Essay Beach, Essays

Monday, April 27, 2020

Life In Ancient Greece Essays - Tourism In Greece, Isthmia, Greece

Life in Ancient Greece Life in Ancient Greece The way of life in Greek city-states remained mostly the same for a long time. Depending on their wealth, people in the urban center lived in low apartment buildings or single-family homes. Homes, public buildings, and temples were where people gathered for conversation and to buy food and crafts at daily markets. Citizens also lived in small villages or farmhouses scattered around the city-state's countryside. In Athens, more people lived outside the city's wall than inside. Houses were simple, containing bedrooms, storage rooms, and a kitchen around a small inner courtyard, but no bathrooms. Waste was dumped in a pit outside the door and then collected for disposal in the countryside. Most families consisted of parents and their children, but generally no other relatives. Fathers were responsible for supporting the family by work or by investments in land and commerce. Mothers were responsible for managing the household's supplies and overseeing the slaves, who fetched water in jugs from public fountains, cooked, cleaned, and looked after babies. Light came from olive oil lamps, heat from smoky charcoal braziers. Furniture was simple and sparse, usually consisting of wooden chairs, tables, and beds. Food was simple too; they grew olives, grapes, figs, and some grains, like wheat and barley, and kept goats to provide milk and cheese. Bakeries sold fresh bread daily, and small stands offered snacks. Most people also raised chickens and ate eggs regularly. Although the soil was poor for growing many types of grains, olive trees and grapes grew quite well in Greece and they still do today. Fish, seafood, and wine diluted with water were very popular food items. In some of the larger Greek city-states, meat could be purchased in cook shops. Meat was rarely eaten, and was used mostly for religious sacrifices. Men kept fit by exercising daily to be ready for military service. Every city-state had at least one gymnasium, a combination exercise building, running track, bathing facility, lecture hall, and park, open only to males. Men who lived in the city went there for physical training, ball games, gambling, and relaxation. Women entertained themselves by visiting friends and attending public festivals. City-state festivals provided the most exciting entertainment. Gods were honored with competitions in music, dance, drama, and poetry. Athens boasted of holding a festival nearly every other day. The huge Panhellenic festivals held at Olympia, Delphi, Nemea, and Isthmia attracted spectators and professional contestants from throughout the Greek world. Athletes and musicians who won competitions became rich and famous. The most spectacular event was chariot racing, which required excellent horses.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Information Technology Computer Software

Information Technology Computer Software Information technology has contributed much to the modern appearance of the world. This is because, many people from diverse areas can effectively communicate instantly with the use of advanced information technology. Information technology constitutes various areas such as computer hardware, information systems, programming languages and computer software.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Information Technology: Computer Software specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Computer software differs from the hardware components of a computer because it cannot be touched. In a firm which deals with computer hardware there are more people on software programming than those in hardware design. Smaller hardware necessitates the introduction of more software applications that are required to help connect the components of the hardware. Software was initially linked to the hardware by the Original Equipment Manufacturers. This was t o enable customers to buy the smallest computer in the market, and have the Original Equipment Manufacturers’ engineers install the required software. Computer software is a set of computer programs that instructs the computer on what to do and how to do it. It uses various programming languages to come up with these instructions. These instructions are in a form of a code that automates some hardware activities. By using these codes, one is able to perform several operations and reach so many people within a short period of time. These codes are executed when a user inputs something into the computer, and the result is thereof obtained (Hally, 2005). Computer software has gained wide application from the rapidly changing technology. It has many areas and sectors using it. For instance, in the business sector, it has contributed so much. It has increased business profitability by reducing costs through the use of software in processing data, invoicing and payroll. Also it is profitable in that, it has improved distribution through online stores and thus creating new market opportunities. By the use of software spreadsheet, employees are able to concentrate on value added tasks rather than the routine tasks (Blais, 2011). Computer software has hence gained popularity in the business sector. Computer software has also contributed to effective learning as various people who are not able to travel to certain regions can access lessons that are offered online. Also, students from diverse areas are able to communicate effectively with each other, thus sharing ideas and helping each other in project development.Advertising Looking for article on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is achieved through configuration of computers in a certain geographical area so as to share resources like databases and programs. Trainers can also offer training programs online and hence reach so many trainee s without necessarily moving to where they are. This has greatly reduced costs such transport and accommodation costs. Business men are able to reach so many customers in diverse locations. They can advertise their products and also collect views from customers concerning their products. Some software enables business men to create a forum for the customers to freely express themselves as they can access the businessmen by a single execution of a command (Longley Shain, 2012). Information technology has truly contributed to the advancement of the computer software, which has so many applications in the current generation. It helps in promoting the globalization of the world to be virtually a small area that can be reached easily. Also various programming languages which have been used to automate multiple works have led to simplification of work that could have been difficult to do manually (Webster Robins1986). References Blais, S. (2011). Business Analysis- Best Practices for Su ccess. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hally, M. (2005). Electronic brains/Stories from the dawn of the computer age. London: Granta Books. Longley, D. Shain, M. (2012). Dictionary of Information Technology 2 ed. New York: Macmillan Press. Webster, F Robins, K. (1986). Information Technology- A Luddite Analysis  (Communication and Information Science).Norwood NJ: Ablex Publishing.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Information Technology: Computer Software specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Proper vs. Common Nouns When to Capitalize

Proper vs. Common Nouns When to Capitalize Proper vs. Common Nouns: When to Capitalize Most people get confused about which nouns need capitalizing. Why on earth do we use a capital letter for Paris, but not for love? The answer lies in the difference between proper and common nouns. Proper Nouns Most people understand that nouns are naming words. However, the reason why some nouns are capitalized and others aren’t is because the capitalized words are one-of-a-kind entities, like specific people, cities or landmarks. We call these proper nouns. So we capitalize Paris because it is the name of a particular city and Eiffel Tower because it is a particular building. Some other proper nouns include Queen Elizabeth and Coca Cola. Common Nouns These are words used to refer to something generic. For instance, while we might capitalize Mickey Mouse as the name of a particular cartoon character, if we were talking about a furry rodent living in our basement, we would use a lower case m when we said that darned mouse in the basement. Common nouns can be used for people, places, things and ideas, but all of these will be one among a whole class of entities or a general concept. So we talk about bloggers, mountains and cheese, all with lower case letters. Proper vs. Common Nouns To show you the difference, here is a table of common nouns with proper noun equivalents: Common Noun Proper Noun author J. K. Rowling film The 39 Steps mountain Mount Everest city New York building Sears Tower company Proofed In all of these cases, the common noun refers to the general concept, whereas the proper noun refers to one particular instance. Historical Usage Confusingly, you will find some common nouns capitalized in classic books and poems. This poem by Emily Dickinson is a great case in point: Faith is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see- But Microscopes are prudent In an Emergency. Here, the common nouns gentlemen, microscopes and emergency are all capitalized. Today they wouldn’t be. The reason that a lot of old literature has randomly capitalized common nouns is because, before the twentieth century, the rules of written English were not fixed and there was a fashion for indiscriminately capitalizing any nouns felt to be important! Unfortunately, this is no longer the case, so make sure you capitalize correctly!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Bottled Water Industry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bottled Water Industry - Case Study Example In 1990, it was found that Perrier bottles contains Benzene contents which are poisonous and even though Perrier assured it was a minor mistake done during operations, people didn't believe and had to reposition their brand after calling back 160 million dollars worth of sale. Perrier then introduced the lime and lemon flavors, and to introduce new stuff, they have also introduced Grape mint flavor after 2000. The bottled water boom was actually an unpredicted and strange phenomenon because the demand rose when Britain was at a height of recession, but now that it is mature and people are consuming it, there is cut-throat competition to capture the 1 million Euros per day market ( The UK market for natural bottled water has grown by 54% between 1993 and 1997, with volume sales reaching 804 million lt and worth an estimated 402 million pounds sterling. Still mineral water sales amount to 504 million lt in 1997, representing 62.6% of the market, with sparkling water sales estimated at 300 million lt. Premier Waters, with its Evian and Voltic brands, leads the branded market with a 17.6% share. The mineral waters market is forecast to reach volume sales of 1.42 billion lt by 2002, worth 493.6 million pounds sterling ( Spokeswoman for P... This resulted in Perrier having 5.7% of total market share in bottled water market and it was ranked third, with Arrowhead and Sparkletts at number 1 and 2 respectively. Unlike most of the similar products that promote health and safety through the water, Perrier shows the way to be cool and target youth. The restaurant chains make a big time business for Perrier as the brand is widely used and even after so many ups and downs with the brand, it still remains at the top with a relatively good image. Perrier's sales in 1987 were 180 million Euros and they captured 40% of the market that year ( Although the UK government and the ministry has tried several times to tell people that tap water is as safe as mineral water and they should not spend Euros on it, but nothing helped and people still use it in a large quantity. The market has now grown to more than 92 mineral water producers and another 30+ flavored mineral water producers. Most of the companies market themselves as a drink that is a family need, with sophistication and love. On the other hand, only Strathmore water and Perrier markets itself as a cool and chilling drink for the youth which should be taken on beaches and events. The most common observation is the sport event sponsoring done by most of the companies. Highland Spring sponsored UK cycling marathon held in January 2010 and British tennis in November 2009 (, similarly Buxton water called itself 'the official water of England cricket'. This shows that there is a cut throat competition and companies are constantly trying to be at the to p by spending millions on advertising and promotional campaigns. Deside water even announced that they have scientifically proven that

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Portfolio Assessment and Revision Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Portfolio Assessment and Revision Plan - Essay Example One of the most immediate changes I see to my writing is an improvement in the organization. In my first essay, there was not necessarily a logical flow from one point to another. I essentially used two disconnected paragraphs that both spoke about the article in question, without actually combining together to form a cohesive argument. This can be seen very clearly by the topic sentence of my second paragraph, where I stated that â€Å"Also tackled in this article is the use of â€Å"Framing theory† as a guide in differentiating the media practices in China.† While this did describe a thing the article did, it did not actually connect that well with what I had done in my previous paragraphs. In my later essays, however, I paid much more attention to organization. I believe that one of the things that were most helpful to me was segmenting my essay into various sections, such as a â€Å"literature review†, â€Å"comparison between languages and so forth†. I did this in each of my two later essays. This forced me to structure my essay in a more cohesive way, with each particular subject having a clear relationship to the thesis or main point I was trying to make and kept each part of the paragraph clearly related to a specific aspect of that argument. I believe I will not have to use these types of headings as much in the future, but they were still certainly useful in keeping me on track in terms of organization. I believe the second major change that I made in my writing is the development of a simpler, clearer style. My first essay had some relatively vague language in it, especially in the introduction. The opening of my first essay, which stated that â€Å"with great power, comes great responsibility† worked well as a hook, but did not tell the reader anything about what I would be writing about. In my subsequent essays I became much more direct, launching immediately into my topic of discussion, and keeping my sentences short, precise, and to  the point.   

Saturday, January 25, 2020

French Revolution vs The Romanian Revolution

French Revolution vs The Romanian Revolution Edy Lipianu Between the result of the French and Romanian Revolutions, which one greaterly affected the nations ideal optimistic perspectives of being a free nation? Well while Romania, which turned into a democratic nation after the dictator Ceaușescus execution, France unfortunately wound up with a military autocracy after Napoleon finished King Louis XVI supreme government. Was Napoleon military rule that awful for the French residents and was the democratic system of Romania even that useful for the Romanians? Looking at the two may help discover which one really turned out to be to a greater degree a free nation after their interesting revolutions.. While France was governed briefly by the famous military pioneer, Napoleon Bonaparte from 1789-1790, his rule was not as unforgiving as King Louis. He brought down charges intensely, permitted laborers to eat, and gave more rights to men, yet very few for ladies, shockingly. He gave individuals an essence of religious flexibility, better instruction, and sensible law. The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It finished up the French government and its dread and finished political power from the Catholic church. It passed on an illumination to Europe including flexibility and freedom for the normal individual and furthermore the abolishment of servitude and the benefits of women. In spite of the way that the surprise completed with the climb of Napoleon, the musings and changes did not pass on. These new contemplations continued influencing Europe and shaped an expansive number of Europes front line governments. This was a period of ideological, political and social change in the political history of France and Europe all things considered, in the midst of which the French federation, as of now an inside and out government with primitive advantages for the nobility and Catholic pastorate, experienced radical change to outlines in light of Enlightenment measures of republicanism, citizenship, and rights. These movements were joined by horrible turmoil, including executions and concealment in the midst of the Reign of Terror and battling including each other huge European power. The Revolution was at first an acclaimed uprising against the through and through impact of the ruler and against their advantages and was executed for flexibility, value, and society. In reality, it incited to the loss of flexibility, dictatorship, and patriotism. The revolt relied on upon a hatred of tradition and yearning to use the force of the state to make another demand. People were given better approaches for life as nationals of the state. To crush the impenetrability to revolt and the new demand around 18,000 40,000 people were executed. The Romanian Revolution began as a notable revolt in Timisoara. After Ceaușescu was toppled, an affiliation named National Salvation Front, confined abruptly by second-rank companion party people repudiated to the methodologies of Ceaușescu and non-cooperated individuals in the revolt. Iliescu was promptly perceived as the pioneer of the affiliation and thusly of the transitory master. Romanias new individual in control, who was president from 1988-1996 and gave the subjects of new Romania an essence of vote based flexibility. That is the point at which another constitution was made giving everybody every one of the rights that truly demonstrated to individuals proper methodologies to live similarly in agreement. Iliescu proposed multi-party choices and a special vote based framework. This is extensively held to have inferred the determination of Perestroika-style changes rather than the aggregate ejection of existing establishments; it can be associated with the warm assembl ing the new organization was given by Mikhail Gorbachev and the straggling leftovers of the Soviet activity and the way that the fundamental post-dynamic overall comprehension set apart by Romania was with that country. Iliescu did not deny Communist reasoning and the program he at initially showed in the midst of the revolution included reconstructing the cultivating and the revision of trade, yet not a change to private enterprise. These points of view were held by various people from the FSN as well, for instance, Silviu Brucan, who declared in mid-1990 that the change was against Ceaușescu, not against socialism. Iliescu later evoked the probability of endeavoring a Swedish model of socialism. Gossipy tidbits prospered for a significant long time that Iliescu and other second-rank Communists had been needing to topple Ceaușescu, in any case, the events of December 1989 overpowered them. For instance, Nicolae Militaru, the new organizations first insurance serve, said that Iliescu and others had needed to take Ceaușescu prisoner in February 1990 while he was Out of the capital. Regardless, Iliescu denies this, saying the method for the Ceaușescu organization-particularly the Securitates ubiquity-made early plan for a miracle everything aside from outlandish. The French were soothed from King Louis XVIs total government and that was certainly a decent begin for their nation, everything showed signs of improvement in little ways, and individuals got the chance to live feeling free, they thought Napoleon was a saint. Napoleon had a broad and intense impact on the present day world, conveying liberal changes to the various domains that he vanquished and controlled, for example, the Low Countries, Switzerland, and extensive parts of cutting edge Italy and Germany. He executed central liberal arrangements in France and all through Western Europe.His lawful accomplishment, the Napoleonic Code, has affected the legitimate frameworks of more than 70 countries around the globe. Both of the nations ended up effectively showing signs of improvement after their insurgencies. Be that as it may, between the result of the French and Romanian Revolutions, Romania greaterly affected the nations general hopeful perspectives of being a free nation. Romania, which turned into a law based nation after the tyrant Ceaușescus execution, gave individuals more rights and everybody was equivalent. To the degree of opportunity, Romanias Revolution improved the nation a much place for its inhabitants. SOURCES: Book: Napoleon: A Life The French Revolution: From Enlightenment to Tyranny by Ian Davidson 1dateTexte=20080121 ospriyomka+gorbachev#v=onepageq=Gospriyomka%20gorbachevf=false ecial-supplement-the-genesis-of-gorbachevs-world onepageqf=false Ecembrist_0_617938566.html EXTRAS http://www.history5

Friday, January 17, 2020

Process Documentation: Creating a Flowchart for PI Badge Manufacturing Essay

In this reflection paper I will be reflecting on the process documentation assignment that involved creating a flowchart for the PI Badge Manufacturing Company (PIBMC). I personally have created a flowchart for the revenues and cash receipts part of the company and have reviewed two other flowcharts representing manufacturing and purchases. The two main points of this reflection paper will be describing how creating the diagrams altered my perceptions of a business and accounting for the business and I will also explain any differences in mindset in preparing versus reviewing flowcharts. I will start with the first important point. By creating the diagrams, my perceptions of a business and accounting have been altered in many ways. One of the ways my perception of accounting have been altered is it helped me understand what process is going after a certain process. For example, after the purchase order (PO) has been accepted, it will be prepared on electronic invoice/picking list. After electronic invoice have been created, one copy goes to the accounting department and another copy goes to a customer, which makes perfect sense. The one part that I missed originally is the picking list, which supposed to go to the warehouse from the sales department. But, the way I had it set up was that picking slip was send to the warehouse from the accounting department, which is not accurate. The reason it is not accurate is because the customer would be billed first, and only after that receive the product. It is also will take the process twice as long to carry out the transactions, because the warehouse would have to wait for the accounting department to get done. My perception of business was also altered. For example, I can now see that as a manager I could use a flowchart to assign duties to employees and employees will have a clear understanding of the reporting structure in an organization. This was the eye opening moment for me. Now, I will move on and talk about any differences in mindset in preparing versus reviewing flowcharts. The second main point of this reflection paper is to explain any differences in mindset in preparing versus reviewing flowcharts. One main difference between creating and preparing is the pressure that was hanging over me to get it right. For example, I didn’t know how to start or even how to attach the lines between the figures. It was challenging and really helpful experience to know for the business and accounting professionals. When I was reviewing flowcharts, I was using my knowledge to find any mistakes that have been created. For example, I moved the figures around to make sure the lines were attached. I checked to make sure the right figures were used for processes, and also checked make sure the flowchart is making any sense in general. Now, I will summarize what I have discussed in this reflection paper. In conclusion, this reflection paper explained two main points which are to describe how creating the diagrams altered my perceptions of a business and accounting for the business and explain any differences in mindset in preparing versus reviewing flowcharts. It is also important to note that creating a flowchart is not as simple as reading and editing already created flowchart. It is critically important for an organization to have a well-designed flowchart, because it is essentially a summary of the flow of a business processes. It is important to note that the speed, the accuracy, and the controls of the business depend on the processes summarized in a flowchart.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Post Colonialism Latin America. - 1426 Words

Post colonialism Latin America Through the lens of post colonialism I will focus on that actions that took place in Latin America. Through my research I am looking to find advice to prove my ideology that the actions that took place between the Spanish conquering of the Aztec and Mayan had a long term effect not just on the people its self but in form on new generations being doctorate in the way they conduct themselves through religion, education, and cultural heritage. Post colonialism had happen all over the world. It happens in many countries but the location that I choose was Latin America the Aztecs and the Mayans and how the Spanish conquistadors went to conquer new territory. The conquistadors went to steal everything from Meso-†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile the Aztecs wrote symbols called pictograph or glyphs. The Aztecs didn’t use an alphabet, but they used pictures to represent items events and sounds. The only people from the Aztecs that knew how to read and write where the priests. Th e priests wrote in long sheet made from animal skins or plant fibers. The priests even wrote an Aztecs book called the codex. They’re where many codices that were destroyed and burned and only a few books lived and archeologist has been able to learn about the Aztec’s life. Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes and his 500 men and 16 horses landed on the Mexican coast in 1519. The Aztecs king Montezuma the second gave many gifts to welcome the Spanish. Even though Montezuma didn’t trust Cortes he worried that Cortes was the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. They believe that Cortes the god because there believe was that the god will come as a man, and Cortes even arrive on the Quetzalcoatl birthday. He also began to know the natives and he even got a American Indian names Dona Marina, and his lover work as his interpreter. Even though Montezuma treated Cortes and his conquestor very well Cortes went on to kidnap and kill Montezuma but people still don’t know how the k ing Montezuma was kill. After Montezuma was kill and the world spread the Aztecs manage to kill two thirds of the soldiers were kill. But Cortes manages to escape with a few of his soldiers. After the escape he force other native’s to join his army to fight againstShow MoreRelatedColonialism And Post Colonialism By Ania Loomba886 Words   |  4 Pagesthe concept of colonialism and post-colonialism, with a particular focus on the impact in planning. Although both concepts are not new, Ania Loomba in her book â€Å"Colonialism and Post Colonialism† provides a more exhaustive research on the regards. She argues that colonialism is the physical occupation of territory whereas post colonialism deals with effect of colonization on culture and societies. She also expanded the concepts including two new terms imperialism and Neo-colonialism. 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